PRELAUNCH:   10th June
CART OPENS:   17th June
    Introducing eFormula Evolution:
We are BACK with the re-launch of eFormula called  'eFormula Evolution' which brings together a newly formed partnership, which includes us (Aidan Booth, Steve Clayton, Tim Godfrey) and two original eFormula members, Ryan Coisson and Daniel Audunsson. eFormula Evolution is set to take eCommerce training to an entirely new level.

It will appeal to newbies, eCommerce experts ....In fact, ANYONE who is interested in starting ..or is already running an eCommerce business in any form (whether that be Amazon white label, drop-shipping, brick and mortar.. etc)

When people see the numbers, the proof, the testimonials, the way a few nuggets of gold within the training (as just one example) have the ability to turn a $2000 per month Amazon business into a $50,000 per month business in just a few months, jaws will drop.

People will NEED and WANT this information... and as such, this promises to be one of those *crazy not to get it* no-brainer offers that will make YOU serious commissions.

Here's why...

FIRSTLY, we have a PROVEN track record when it comes to eCommerce launches...

Niche Blueprint, the original, infamous eCommerce course was released in January 2009 and did over $2million in sales on day 1, leading us to shut the cart down within 36 hours of launch.

Since then, the re-launch of Niche Blueprint 1, Niche Blueprint 2, Blueprint Black and the original eFormula have ALL been million dollar eCommerce launches.

Add that to our 'The Trinity Code' launch which was one of the biggest launches of 2013 with $2million in sales, it is absolutely clear that we have a proven track record in putting together highly successful offers that make our JV partners SUBSTANTIAL amounts of money.


Couple of additional things worth mentioning...

1: The proof we had for Trinity Code, to be frank, was a little sparse and the launch STILL did 2mil. The proof we have this time is INSANE (north of $300,000 PROFIT per month with real screenshots to back it up).
  >>> In other words, expect colossal EPC's
2: The Trinity Code only had a 14% refund rate which is almost unheard of for a $2500 product -- meaning we know how to treat and keep the people who buy our products.
  >>> In other words, expect exceptionally low refunds


SECONDLY, we also have a PROVEN track record of helping people build MASSIVE eCommerce businesses

Many many 6 and 7 figure businesses have been built by the 10,000+ people who have followed our previous drop shipping courses. In addition to that, Ryan and Daniel have helped numerous people to success selling white label products. In fact, many people in their private coaching group who were formerly at a standstill making one or two thousand dollars per month selling on Amazon, are now doing $10,000, $50,000 even $100,000 or more per month as a result of their advanced Amazon training and insider secrets.

In a nutshell...

    Here are 9 very good reasons why you should consider promoting:
1: Conversions will be astronomical. This will likely be our 6th million dollar eCommerce launch simply because the proof and testimonials will be off the charts.
2: The training and software tools will be highly valuable to EVERYONE who already has or is in the process of setting up an ecommerce business (whether that be drop-shipping, Amazon white label etc).
3: There is a HUGE audience of people pumped up about this business model right now, and this is ANOTHER opportunity to cash in. Once people see what we have to offer, they will jump on it -- guaranteed.
4: The training will ALSO appeal to newbies' who have no previous knowledge or experience of eCommerce as they will receive quick-start training to help them get set up fast.
5: For the price, the value that people will be receiving is basically ridiculous. To say that they will be thrilled with their purchase is a gigantic understatement.
6: You'll get $748.50 commissions per sale through Clickbank (50% commissions)
7: There will be a HUGE JV contest with massive cash prizes.
8: We'll have an affiliate 'White List' so people wont be able to buy through their own link.
9: We reciprocate! We understand that no matter how much money a promotion can make you, the deal cannot realistically be one-way in the IM business. Help us out, and we will help you out. We love promoting other people's products (assuming its a good fit and the timing is right). Collectively, we have generated over $700,000 in sales of JV partner's products this year alone.

SPECIAL BONUS REASON (a.k.a ...reason #10): If you are able to get 200 or more people onto a webinar, let us know NOW because we will have an amazing presentation lined up. Our Trinity Code webinar converted at between 10% - 20% for a $2500 product. This time round we'll have 20 times the proof!

If you can get 500 or 600 people on.. don't be surprised if you make close to 6 figures from a single webinar and replay. *** Contact us ASAP to confirm your webinar time as they will get booked up FAST! ***

    Commissions & Dates:
Prelaunch begins on the 10th June
Cart will OPEN on the 17th June
Cart will CLOSE on the 24th June

There will be 3 incredible pieces of prelaunch content to mail to and we will be sending out information about them soon.

eFormula Evolution will be the same price point as the original course: $1497 with 50% commissions, so you will earn just under $748.50 per sale. There will also be a split payment option too.

    Sign Up As a JV Partner:

Because of the huge commissions that are going to be paid out, all affiliates (or more specifically their Clickbank ID's) are going to have to be 'white listed.' This is to stop people buying through their own link.

Please sign up below for JV notifications and to get your Clickbank ID approved. (Please don't sign up just to buy through your own link -- the commission won't be paid out)

 Clickbank ID:

    Launch Week Cash Contest
Grand Prize - $25,000

2nd Prize - $10,000

3rd Prize - $5,000

4th Prize - $1,000

5th Prize - $750

6th Prize - $500

7th Prize - $250

8th Prize - $150

9th Prize - $100

10th Prize - $100
We have some huge cash prizes up for grabs for the most sales of eFormula Evolution with more prizes being announced during launch week. (Note:To qualify for the Grand prize, you must make a minimum of 35 sales. To qualify for 2nd prize, you must make a minimum of 15 sales. If you are placed in the top 2 spots but do not make the required number of sales to claim that prize, you will automatically qualify for the 3rd prize cash amount.)


    Links & Swipes

Prelaunch Video 1 --- Live at 12pm ET, Tuesday 10th June

Affiliate Link:

Please test your links BEFORE sending any traffic just to make sure that
your affiliate ID has been added to the whitelist. If you were approved
for a previous launch of ours on Clickbank, you will have been auto approved.

Replace xxxxx with your Clickbank ID



Email Swipe:

[Mind Boggling] $300,000 cash in hand ...every 30 days (a 'how to' story)
$300,000 cash in hand ...every 30 days (MIND BOGGLING)
I THOUGHT I'd seen it all (evidently not)
ZERO to $300,000 per month (inspirational story from 24 yr old)
$300,000 per month (inspirational)
This 24 yr old is making $300K profit per month? (WTF)

This is a 'real' story.

From nothing... no experience... contacts... anything. $300,000+ monthly profit (as in money 'in pocket', NOT revenue),
acheived in such a short time period time that it boggles the mind.

If Daniel could acheive this starting off from a farm in Iceland, this is
something that ANYONE could do.

>> Watch this short video.

...It explains everything.

Prepare to be amazed at the story (and the earnings screenshots!)

>> Click here now




Prelaunch Video 2 --- Live at 12pm ET, Friday 13th June

Affiliate Links


The default affiliate link STILL sends people to Video 1

To send traffic to Video 2 (The tools), this is the link you need:

Remember to replace the xxxxx with your Clickbank ID
you were successfully whitelisted.

Sample Swipe


Exclusive software giveaway... (get MORE traffic & conversions)
Download these 2 FREE software tools... (Limited Availability)
Get MORE Amazon traffic & MORE buyers (free software)


I highly encourage you to get immediate access to these
two software tools called 'Crowd Force' and 'Description

Crowd Force will help you pin-point and take advantage of
targeted traffic opportunites, allowing you to drive high-value
visitors to your Amazon listings, (whether they be physical product
or Kindle listings.)

... and Description Master+ will help you convert more of
those visitors into BUYERS.

These are two very unique and highly beneficial tools that
will be of GREAT help to you, even if you are not selling on
Amazon (you can send targeted traffic to any website or blog)


You MUST take advantage of this ASAP as these tools will only
be available to download for the next 72 hours.

(Even if you intend to use them at a later date, still download
them NOW)

>> Do that here





    What will the eFormula Evolution training consist of?

We'll be giving out more information on this soon but for now, here are some initial details..

Using our knowledge and success of the drop-shipping model combined with Daniel and Ryan's knowledge of Amazon white label and other areas of ecommerce, eFormula Evolution is going to be an incredible training product.

Whilst our previous courses have focused solely on the drop-shipping model, selling white label products both on Amazon and using independent websites will also be a big focus this well transitioning to brick and mortar stores ..and much more.

Basically, this is going to be the ultimate ecommerce course teaching people how to build a massively profitable business in a very short amount of time combining a number of eCommerce models

We will have:

... a series of quick-start webinars on drop-shipping and Amazon for those who have never built an eCom business advanced webinar series

... step-by-step videos showing people how to take a 1K or 2K Amazon business to 6-figures per month on how to take an Amazon business and ramp up profits with Drop-Shipping on how to take a Drop-Shipping business and ramp up profits with Amazon. incredible software suite

...and that is just to start.

For now, we are keeping a lid on the many of the details.

Like I say, more information coming soon. Please sign up to the notification list above. If you have any questions please contact me at timgodfrey2 [@] gmail


Tim, Steve, Aidan, Ryan, Daniel

    Terms & Conditions

You must agree to our affiliate agreement before promoting eFormula Evolution. Please always adhere to FTC guidelines when promoting our products and services.

In addition, you must not use the following promotional methods if approved for this affiliate program. Doing so may result in you being terminated from the affiliate program and forfeiting any outstanding commissions.

1. Sending Spam or using safe lists or solo ads of any kind.

2. Offering cash rebates to people who buy through your affiliate link.

3. Using negative words such as 'scam' in any promotional campaign.

4. Please do not misrepresent our product/offer and follow any endorsement rules and regulations that are applicable both in the country where you are based and in the countries from which you are sending website traffic or advertising in.





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